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This page is all about you and how you operate. Everyone will answer the questions differently, and your answers will be what we use to match you to a role. It’s not about your job history; instead, it’s about telling people what types of tasks you can easily handle. Share information based on the examples provided and how you handle these tasks in your everyday life. You’ll excel at some things and may find others more challenging. Feel free to update your answers anytime.

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Provide examples of how you make sure you have understood what someone has said to you?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Not understood a direction clearly and needed to know what to do
- Needed to ensure you have the correct information


Provide examples of how you clearly and confidently communicate your thoughts and ideas?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Given a talk to a group of people about an area of your expertise
- Adjusted your language based on different audience types


Provide examples of how you adjust to changing situations?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Adjusted plans when a situation changes
- Changed a routine when circumstances require


Provide examples of how you deal with situations that require accuracy and precision?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used tools to cross check information
- Looked at data in a new way to make sure the information is correct


Provide examples of how you use sound and effects when creating content?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created sounds using an instrument or computer
- Edited sounds with technology


Provide examples of how you focus on a task in a noisy environment?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Needed to work when in an open plan area full of people
- Successfully blocked out sounds around your workspace


Provide examples of how you use sound to diagnose problems?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Identified an issue with a machine based on the noise it was making
- Tracked down the source of a noise to identify where a problem is


Provide examples of how you remember information you hear?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Needed to remember information without having a notepad to jot it down
- Been able to memorise a large amount of information


Provide examples of how you use sound to improve your well-being?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used music to get yourself into a particular mood
- Used particular sounds for focus or concentration


Provide examples of how you build or maintain your physical strength?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Participated in physical tasks at home to keep fit and strong
- Incorporated activities into your daily routine to ensure you stay muscular


Provide examples of how you curate your online presence and reputation to reflect your skills and interests?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used different online platforms for different things
- Decided on how you want to portray yourself online


Provide examples of how you establish and maintain a clean environment?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created everyday habits you use to ensure an area doesn't become messy
- Enforced rules in your home so that things stay as clean as possible


Provide examples of how you effectively work with others to achieve a shared goal?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Achieved a group activity when different people were initially not on the same page
- Modified your actions based on the requirements of a shared goal


Provide examples of how you communicate a thought or requirement?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Modified your message or use of language based on the audience
- Used your knowledge on the different styles and ways of communicating an idea


Provide examples of how you solve problems with computers or technology?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Found a new program to use, to solve an issue you were having
- Researched a issue you were having with software to resolve the problems


Provide examples of how you approach new situations or express yourself with self-assurance?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to approach others without self-doubt
- Had the conviction to tell people about something you know


Provide examples of how you navigate disagreements or challenging interactions with others?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to diffuse a situation between two people
- Modify how you are interacting, to soothe another individual


Provide examples of how you offer feedback to others in a way that is helpful and promotes improvement?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Provided feedback to others in a way that doesn't upset others
- Recognised feedback you can use to improve something you do


Provide examples of how you actively work on improving yourself?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Engaged in online learning to develop a new skill
- Joined a group to practice and improve a current ability


Provide examples of how you approach challenges or tasks in an original way?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Made an area look beautiful with decoration and design
- Practiced a hobby you have which uses creativity


Provide examples of how you consider the customs and perspectives of others in your interactions?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Ensured people from different backgrounds all felt included
- Travelled to a location with alternate customs, and modified your behaviour to suit


Provide examples of how you demonstrate to others that they can rely on you?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Had another person need your help, even when you have had other priorities
- Gone the extra mile to ensure you can follow through on a promise


Provide examples of how you find solutions that are both useful and aesthetically pleasing?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used colour and shape to design something visually appealing
- Created an object either physically or digitally for function and beauty


Provide examples of how you stay motivated to reach your goals, even when faced with challenges?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Recovered from a setback to continue towards a goal you have set
- Managed to encourage yourself to keep moving forward when a situation is challenging


Provide examples of how you combine different media formats to create engaging and informative content?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used software to demonstrate a visual idea
- Combined different types of media in one output


Provide examples of how you use technology to complete tasks, stay informed, or connect with others?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Software you use on a daily basis to assist with various tasks
- Taught yourself how to use a new app


Provide examples of how you relate to and understand the feelings of others?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to listen to others and comprehend what emotion they are feeling
- Connected with another person on a deeper level


Provide examples of how you consider the environment in your daily choices?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Ensured you limit the amount of waste you create
- Used different ways to reuse and recycle items


Provide examples of how you adjust to different physical environments?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Worked in conditions which are very hot, cold, noisy etc.
- Used different methods to deal with unfavourable weather


Provide examples of how you design your workspace or adjust your posture to prevent discomfort and injury?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Changed the layout of a space to ensure it will be comfortable
- Used different equipment so an area can be comfortable for long periods


Provide examples of how you make choices that align with your values?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Voiced your opinion on an unfair situation
- Ensured that what you do everyday aligns with your values


Provide examples of how you manage your money effectively to reach your financial goals?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used a methodology decide if a purchase is financially viable
- Modified spending habits to save up for something


Provide examples of how you make sure you understand and complete tasks correctly?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to undertake a task someone has explained to you
- Used a set of instructions with a positive result


Provide examples of how you effectively seek out and utilise feedback to improve your skills and knowledge?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Gathered a variety of opinions before making a final decision
- Asked others to give you advice on their area of expertise


Provide examples of how you use 3D shapes to create designs?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Built a small scale representation of an object to test the design
- Used a computer program to work with a 3D shape


Provide examples of how you chart your course toward desired outcomes?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Decided on a long-term goal, and the steps required to ensure you can achieve it
- Structured your day to ensure everything gets done


Provide examples of how you ensure your writing and speech are clear and grammatically correct?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created a piece of writing which is easily understood by others
- Proofread the writing of others to ensure it is grammatically correct


Provide examples of how you show appreciation for the positive things in your life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created a daily activity to recognise everything you are grateful for
- Recognised the positives in situations which have not gone to plan


Provide examples of how you use your hands and eyes together to complete tasks smoothly?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Undertaken a task which requires excellent hand-eye coordination
- Been able to complete an activity without needing to focus on what your hands are doing


Provide examples of how you take care of your physical and mental well-being?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Designed a diet to ensure you are getting all the required nutrients
- Completed ongoing physical activities to ensure your body stays healthy


Provide examples of how you manage tasks and solve problems on your own initiative?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to undertake a new activity with little or no assistance
- Researched new ways to achieve a goal or activity


Provide examples of how you effectively communicate your ideas and persuade others to see your point of view?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Convinced others to agree with your point of view
- Encouraged others to help you with a task


Provide examples of how you evaluate the credibility and potential value of any resource?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Researched information to cross check the details for accuracy
- Used different techniques to ensure the details of a report are correct


Provide examples of how you approach challenges or tasks in a fresh and creative way?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Tried new ways of doing things to be more efficient or effective
- Created a device to make life easier or better


Provide examples of how you make sense of symbols, messages, or experiences that might have hidden meanings?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to solve complex puzzles or riddles
- Deciphered what a person is trying to say when they are not being upfront


Provide examples of how you reflect on your experiences and gain insights into your thoughts and feelings?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created a daily ritual which you use to reflect on experiences and situations
- Used your past experiences to improve how you will respond to similar situations in the future


Provide examples of how you ensure you understand the information you hear or read?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Understood a complex piece of written text
- Created ways in which you check your understanding of a topic


Provide examples of how you inspire and motivate others to achieve a common goal?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Helped a group of people be on the same page
- Managed different personality types to work together in harmony


How do you capture people's attention and get them interested in something?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to sell a product or service to people
- Found ways to promote an event that was successful


Provide examples of how you share your knowledge and skills with others in a way that is clear and engaging?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Taught someone a skill successfully
- Helped someone through a situation with your area of expertise


Provide examples of how you approach tasks in a logical and organised way to ensure accuracy and efficiency?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Identified an efficient way of completing a task
- Ensured that the results of an activity are accurate and consistent


Provide examples of how you cultivate awareness of the present moment in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Brought yourself back into the present moment in times of stress
- Added activities to your routine to practice mindfulness


Provide examples of how you help people find the drive and determination to achieve their goals?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Encouraged others to keep going when they are struggling
- Inspired others to take on new challenges or experiences


Provide examples of how you appreciate music on a deeper level?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to discuss music history and genres
- Have used your knowledge of music theory


Provide examples of how you find your way around new places or environments?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Found your way through an unfamiliar area
- Used landmarks to orientate yourself and find the correct direction


Provide examples of how you reach mutually beneficial agreements in everyday situations?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Found an agreeable middle ground in a negotiation
- Discussed differing options to create solutions that work for everyone


Provide examples of how you use numbers in your everyday life to make informed decisions?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to mentally calculate things in your head
- Used mathematics to achieve tasks accurately


Provide examples of how you show care and support for others in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Ensured that people around you feel cared about
- Been involved in activities in the community to help others


Provide examples of how you actively take in details about your surroundings?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Identified issues around the wellbeing of your surroundings
- Taken steps to improve the condition of the environment


Provide examples of how you keep track of your belongings, tasks, and time to stay productive and efficient in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Organised your belongings to ensure you always know where to find them
- Devised methods of keeping things in order


Provide examples of how you identify recurring patterns in your daily life or the world around you?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Noticed when something is out of place
- Used patterns to order things in the home


Provide examples of how you stay aware of your surroundings not in your direct line of vision?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Noticed what was happening out of your direct line of sight
- Been able to focus on something without turning your head


Provide examples of how you capture the beauty and interesting moments in your everyday life through photography?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used different techniques to result in an appealing photograph
- Modified a photo with tools to enhance it


Provide examples of how you maintain your stamina and energy throughout the day?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Added activities to your routine which result in your ability to work harder for longer
- Used specific foods or drinks to enable you to keep going


Provide examples of how you move your body with ease and reach for things comfortably?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Participated in activities to improve and maintain a flexibility
- Performed a task that requires a wide range of motion


Provide examples of how you anticipate and address potential issues before they arise?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Identified tasks required to be done, and done them without being prompted
- Done little tasks often to avoid having to spend a lot of time in the future doing everything at once.


Provide examples of how you face a complex challenge in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used different methodologies to solve a problem
- Changed how you were approaching a situation when you weren't getting the desired results


Provide examples of how you organise tasks and streamline procedures to achieve efficiency and accuracy?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Seen inefficiencies in a task and improved the way it is done to make it easier to complete
- Analysed a process to identify ways in which it can be improved


Provide examples of how you communicate effectively with an audience?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Spoken to a large group of people
- Prepared a presentation to deliver to others


Provide examples of how you ensure that things are done correctly and meet the necessary standards?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Checked a finished product for standardisation and accuracy
- Tested an item for satisfactory operation


Provide examples of how you use questions to learn more about the world and the people around you?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Changed types of questions you ask for different situations
- Compiled a list of questions to ask someone who you wanted to get information from


Provide examples of how you use logic and evidence to form conclusions?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Worked through a problem to find what the specific issues are
- Broken a topic down into the information you can cross check


Provide examples of how you take time to think back on your experiences and learn from them?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Worked through a past event to see ensure you saw the situation accurately
- Identified areas for improvement in yourself


Provide examples of how you ensure the things you do follow the rules and guidelines set by others?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Ensured that environmental guidelines are followed
- Devised a plan for people to follow to care for and protect the environment


Provide examples of how you consider the environmental impact of the resources you use in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Chosen products based on their ability to be reused or recycled
- Researched how products are manufactured to ensure what you buy aligns with your personal values


Provide examples of how you use visuals to display data effectively?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created a visual representation of a large set of data for others to comprehend
- Designed an infographic to represent a lot of information in an easy to read way


Provide examples of how you find reliable information to answer your questions and learn about new things?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Ensured the information you are reading is from a credible source
- Used different methods you have to cross check information to ensure accuracy


Provide examples of how you bounce back from setbacks or challenges?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to see the possibilities that might arose from an unfortunate situation
- Framed a situation differently that hasn't done to plan, to keep mentally strong


Provide examples of how you demonstrate responsibility in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Ensured people have you to turn to when they need it
- Been the one in charge of the outcome of a project or event


Provide examples of how you anticipate and prepare for potential problems in your daily activities?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Identified a risk to yourself or others, and have rectified the situation
- Created a risk assessment and mitigation plan for safety


Provide examples of how you attune yourself to your thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Identified a physical reaction in yourself in response to a situation
- Used techniques to return your body to a resting state after intense emotions


Provide examples of how you spark your own inner fire and stay motivated when faced with challenges or a lack of enthusiasm?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Set external accountability methods in place to keep yourself on track
- Used different ways of keeping yourself going when your motivation was low


Provide examples of how you use your skills and time to make a positive impact on the lives of others?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Committed regular acts of charity
- Found ways to help others when there was no benefit to yourself


Provide examples of how you stay aware of your surroundings and potential hazards in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Able to stay aware of what is happening around you even while focused on a task
- Ensure your environment is appropriate for the task you are completing


Provide examples of how you make sense of how people interact and live together in a society?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Researched different topics to improve your knowledge of events
- Spoken with others about their lives and experiences different to your own.


Provide examples of how you build connections and rapport with the people around you?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Organised a social catchup with a group of people
- Joined different social groups of various interests


Provide examples of how you pay attention to and interpret the sounds around you?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used a tool to enhance or locate a sound
- Located where a sound was coming from without effort


Provide examples of how you stay aware of your surroundings and navigate your environment smoothly?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to navigate an unfamiliar area without getting lost
- Remembered how to return to a location easily


Provide examples of how you create or tell stories to captivate your listeners?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Drawn people into the stories you tell
- Used techniques you use to keep a story flowing smoothly


Provide examples of how you approach the challenge of designing structural items, combining functionality, and safety?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Built your own structural items
- Designed an object from scratch


Provide examples of how you develop a deep understanding of a particular topic and become a true expert in your field?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been the go-to person for a subject you have strong knowledge in
- Quickly upskilled yourself in a new subject so you can teach it to others


Provide examples of how you incorporate eco-conscious practices into your daily routine?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Used particular items rather than disposable products
- Created ways you can cut down on purchasing products


Provide examples of how you conquer your to-do list and avoid feeling overwhelmed by all the things you need to get done?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created a method to keep track of the items on your to do list
- Used schedules to ensure you know when tasks are due


Provide examples of how you develop and demonstrate your skills in working with technology?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Needed to troubleshoot when technology was not working correctly
- Been able to work though the steps to achieve your goals with technology


Provide examples of how you juggle all your commitments and stay on top of your tasks without feeling overwhelmed?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Devised ways to find more time in your day
- Used techniques for being efficient and effective when completing tasks


Provide examples of how you use videos to tell stories or capture moments in your daily life?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created videos for sharing with others
- Used video editing tools to turn home recordings into engaging videos


Provide examples of how you consider the visual elements when creating something aesthetically pleasing or informative?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Created documents which are visually engaging
- Used software to alter the layout of a document to be appealing to look at


Provide examples of how you use mental imagery to understand and process information?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to picture what a finished object will look like when assembled
- Visualised a finished outcome in your head, and know how to put the components together to achieve that result


Provide examples of how you use your voice to capture attention and communicate effectively in different situations?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Been able to be heard across a noisy room
- Used vocal techniques to gain the attention of others


Provide examples of how you clearly and effectively communicate your ideas in writing?

Examples may include a situation where you have:
- Written a piece of text for particular audiences
- Used different techniques when writing to ensure the output is fit for purpose


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